The focus of this workshop will be on the debate between broadly realist and broadly deflationary approaches to questions of existence: must there be a fact of the matter about whether numbers exist, say, or about whether mereological sums exist?
Thursday, 30 June
9.30am, Reception
10.00am, Opening remarks
10.10am-12.10pm, Ted Sider (Rutgers), 'Ontological Realism'
1.30-3.30pm, Stephen Yablo (MIT), 'Must Existence Questions Have Answers'
4.00-6.00pm, David Chalmers (ANU), 'Ontological Indeterminacy'
7.00pm, Conference dinner, Zen Yai Thai Restaurant
Friday, 1 July
10.00am-12.00pm, Amie Thomasson (Miami), 'Answerable and Unanswerable Questions'
1.00-3.00pm, Karen Bennet (Princeton/ANU), 'Composition, Coincidence, and Metaontology'
3.30-5.30pm, Huw Price (Sydney), 'Quining Naturalism'
5.30-6.30pm, Wrap-up discussion